
Why I Blog

With thanks to Mr. Northern for his introspective inspiration. The meh-ness of this list should in no way cloud the awesomeness of his.

Because it seems like fun

Because it looks like work

Because having something of one's own to nurture and grow is so fundamental to humanity, even if it's basically a kind of Tamagotchi for smartasses

Because it has made me view the world through inquisitive eyes. It helps me derive greater wonder from the stimuli of life

Because you can be really pretentious if you're tempted to

Because Jaffe Juice said I should.

Because potentially it can make you important

...and for now, because it makes me feel important

Because it's quite nice to feel connected to a wider thing

Because looking/feeling like a reporter has and will lead me into fun situations

Because there's something about being within e-touching distance of some of the greats, that makes me just slightly aroused

Because blogs have given me so much entertainment, that if I can find just one stupid flash game to share with everyone I'll feel like some sort of cosmic balance has been restored

Because its the only medium where people let you get away with communicating in list form


  1. http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/print/200811/andrew-sullivan-why-i-blog

  2. A rather lengthier answer. But how honest is it? I think the conceptual wonder of this kind of communication is all well and good, but it's not in the front of the mind every time...

  3. "Because there's something about being within e-touching distance of some of the greats, that makes me just slightly aroused"

    Haha. Love it.

    I blog because I need to write, I need to express my opinion. If I didn't do it, i'd bottle it up. And be far angrier. ;)

  4. The fact is that it is a rather nice system to talk without needing a listener then and there, because you can imagine a Schrodinger's Audience of whoever you want, who are possibly-there-possibly-not-and-therefore-are-both.

    Yay internet.
